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A member registered Feb 22, 2021

Recent community posts

Hey there, Azaxor! Congratulations on this game. I loved it! Everything was cool but my fav part was definitely the gargoyle hahah so cool. I've made a video playing this game with hilarious reactions. I hope you enjoy.  Keep the good work! (3:50  for the first jumpscare hahah)

Hey there, PennMurtons! Congratulations on this game. I loved the gameplay and the graphics, specially the bag interface and the puzzle mechanics. The story even for a demo was great too. Resident Evil influenced? :) I've made a video playing this game with hilarious reactions. I hope you enjoy.  Keep the good work!

(1 edit)

Sure. I don't mind playing the game in the future again and make a video out of it. :) I loved it. Just let me know when you add new stuff :D

No problem! :) Thank you for making this game and for watching the video until the end hahha :D

Hey there! Congratulations on this game. I loved the gameplay and the graphics. The story even short was great. Actually, I've made a video playing this game with hilarious reactions. I hope you enjoy.  Keep the good work!

Thank you so much LuMon! I'm just starting out, and feedbacks like that is what keeps me doing this! <3

Hey there Devs! Congratulations on this game. I loved the gameplay and asthetics of it. The intro music was my fav haha.  Actually, I've made a video playing this game with hilarious reactions. I hope you enjoy (likes and subs are highly appreciated, Thank you! :D) Keep the good work!

Hey there! Congratulations on this game.I loved the message and asthetic. It looks and feels great. Actually, I've made a video playing this game with hilarious reactions. I hope you enjoy (likes and subs are highly appreciated, Thank you! :D) Keep the good work!